Representative’s Greeting
Thank you for visiting REPRO’s website.
I started this company in 2019 and have been confronting exposed concrete walls almost everyday, working on construction with a focus on creating a beautiful finish. We have earned the trust of our customers to this day.
While conducting restoration work on exposed concrete, we respond dependably to changes in the times and demand. We are never satisfied with current technological capabilities and strive to acquire even more advanced technology and knowledge.
Centered on general contractors, we have contributed to smooth operations management from the onset of construction to the handing over of completed construction.
Also, we emphasize the long-lasting durability of concrete buildings. In addition to building up the material sturdily from the groundwork, we apply a coating that protects the material from the elements. Through this, we create unique “works of art” and believe that they lead to true “genuity”.
We strive every day to provide our customers with peace of mind and deliver a final product that will please them, even in worst-case scenarios. We will continue to meet the various needs of our business partners and play an active role as a good partner company.
We look forward to your continued patronage and support in the future.

Company name REPRO Co., Ltd.
Address Kyoto, Fushimi Ward, Kurumazakacho 20-51
Established May 2019
Representative Director Eto Masaki
Business Details
A Kyoto-based company specializing in restoring exposed concrete.
Exposed concrete is constructed by pouring wet concrete into the formwork of plywood for concrete (veneer). As the name suggests, the exposed concrete is made from uncovered concrete materials. The results are unknown until the formwork is dissassembled.
The principal concerns are “honeycomb” damage, cracks, pock marks, uneven color, cold joints, rust color marks, and the re-construction of mortar repairs. In addition, we will repair and reproduce exposed concrete whose surface has been damaged by aging, rain, and wind.
We take care of these various troubles and beautifully pattern the concrete like new, and reform until it is like a brand-new building.
We will assist you in going above and beyond in “comfort”, “cleanliness”, and “durability” for your cherished building or home.